Arrangement, Maintenance, Improvements
Any arrangement, maintenance or improvement operation should be evaluated by a qualified Zaramella professional. Zaramella pieces have brand assistance at the Zaramella Argenti Srl factory.
It will therefore be essential to send it to the address displayed in "Product Shipping Address".
Zaramella Argenti Srl
Viale delle Industrie, 1
35010 Ronchi di Villafranca, Padova, Italy
Only after the examination of the piece and the clearance of the tasks to be carried out, it will be budgeted. A cost value will be set, a lead time and an estimated delivery time.
This information will be commnicated to the customer according to the data contained in their Client Account of the website. Customer has 30 days to accept the quote. After this date, the task should be re.evaluated and re-buggeted.